What Is A Pillow Tank and Why Do We Need Them?

For those of you who have never heard of Pillow Tank, you are assuredly in good company.  For many folks, hearing the term may generate a few immediate questions.  The first to come to mind might be: What is a Pillow Tank?  What are they for? So let’s gets started by answering some of the …

Severe Drought and Collapsible Water Storage Tanks and Pillow Bladders

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Drought Monitor has recently published information indicating that up to 95 percent of Texas is experiencing either “severe” or “exceptional” drought conditions this year.  According to the National Weather Service, Texas experienced the hottest period (June through August 2011) on record in the U.S.  In addition, the Lower Colorado River …

IPI Offers Quick Disaster Response Solutions with Collapsible Storage Tanks and Water Pillow Bladders

Preparation and the ability to respond immediately and decisively to global weather-related and other geological events that impact regions, communities and individual lives requires access to information and the right solutions.  With both the Atlantic and Pacific hurricane season now upon us, it is an appropriate time for government, industry and citizens to review their …